What will the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh actually do?

September 29 14:38 2018

Committee members had little time to review Thursday’s extraordinary testimony from Mr Kavanaugh and Ms Ford, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when they were high school students in 1982.

President Trump has ordered an FBI investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, his nominee for the Supreme Court.

Ford “welcomes this step” and “appreciates the efforts of Senators Flake, Murkowski, Manchin and Collins – and all other senators who have supported an FBI investigation“, the attorney said in a statement.

Jeff Flake, an Arizona Republican, to delay a final vote for one week, to give the F.B.I. time to investigate three allegations of sexual assault and harassment against the judge.

Therefore, the request for another investigation, FBI or otherwise, was a smoke screen to delay the vote.

The FBI can not even bring a charge of sexual assault against Kavanaugh or anyone else. “You’re telling all women that they don’t matter – that they should just stay quiet because if they tell you what happened to them, you’re going to ignore them”, Gallagher continued, with a raw power that seemed to stun the senator.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation will be finalized once the full Senate vote occurs.

Ford said Judge, a close high school friend of Kavanaugh’s, was in the room when he pinned her to a bed, tried to pull off her clothes and clasped his hand over her mouth to stifle her screams. The full Senate did much the same later that month – and so Kavanaugh finally became a member of the bench. Two other people who Ford says were present the night of the incident – Patrick J. Smyth and Leland Ingham Keyser – have said they do not remember being at a party with Ford and Kavanaugh.

Start by outlining the avenues available to FBI background investigators, whom President Trump authorized late Friday afternoon to reopen Kavanaugh’s file.

Her testimony – widely regarded by Republicans and Democrats as credible and honest – provided the committee with numerous data points that could be explored in a thorough FBI investigation, beginning with an interview of Judge who apparently is willing to cooperate.

Following the publication of Ford’s account in a Washington Post report on September 16, Deborah Ramirez, a fellow Yale classmate, and Julie Swetnick, a woman who claimed to have witnessed Kavanaugh display “abusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls”, came forward with their own reports about Kavanaugh. Her allegations only surfaced after the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings had ended, and Thursday’s testimonies revealed that Sen.

Republicans kept pushing to make Kavanaugh a judge on the powerful appeals court, year after year. “It’s about digging up new dirt or doing whatever it is they do over there to get people to come forward 36 years later”.

In 2004 Judge Kavanaugh testified the nomination of William Pryor to the 11th Circuit “was not one that I worked on personally”.

“I will be totally reliant on what Senator [Chuck] Grassley and the group decides to do”, Trump said.

Feinstein also questioned whether Kavanaugh had the right temperament for the court after what she called “aggressive and belligerent” testimony.

“I am a conservative, I would love to see Judge Kavanaugh confirmed and I hope to be able to do that”, Flake said, “But I want a better process and I think involving the FBI, reopening the background investigation that so many of my colleagues have been asking for and people across the country have been asking for, this can be done”.

Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer is unhappy with the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh — here’s why

What will the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh actually do?