Trump wavers on Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh

September 28 13:26 2018

Feinstein noted that two other accusers came forward in the last several days.

She says this was done so the girls could be gang-raped, and Swetnick says she was one of the victims of a rape where Kavanaugh and the friend were present.

On Wednesday he publicized his client’s identity as Julie Swetnick and tweeted out a copy of the affidavit.

Republican leaders indicated they were still determined to have the committee vote on recommending Kavanaugh on Friday – after a dramatic Thursday hearing at which both Kavanaugh and Ford, are to testify.

That time frame would have Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court before the allegations against him came to light. Republicans, therefore, are anxious to get to the climactic vote, while Democrats insist there should be a time-out to investigate the women’s allegations.

Another Democrat, Sen Jeff Merkley of OR, complained that Republicans were conducting a “jammed through, unfair process” on a lifetime Supreme Court appointment. The woman, now 53, claimed Trump’s candidate for SCOTUS “thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away”. These allegations prove that Brett Kavanaugh is a serial sexual predator and should have no place serving on the Supreme Court, or in any other capacity as a judge. Kavanaugh rejected the latest claim Wednesday as “ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone”. “I don’t know who this is and this never happened”.

The letter emerged before a planned vote on Friday (Sept 28) by the Judiciary Committee to advance the Kavanaugh nomination to the full Senate.

In the morning, aides watched with intense silence as Ford told senator she was 100 percent certain that Kavanaugh was the man who sexually assaulted her during a high school party.

“It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me”, she said.

Swetnick says Kavanaugh and a friend spiked girls’ drinks at parties when they were in high school in order to make the girls lose their inhibitions. Sometimes I had too many. “I spoke to somebody 38 years ago, and it may not be good,”‘ Trump said, adding, “The people that have complained to me about it the most about what’s happening is women”.

Kavanaugh’s lawyers have submitted his calendars from the summer of 1982 as part of their defense.

Adela Gildo-Mazzon states in her sworn affidavit that Ford told her the story about the assault, but did not mention Kavanaugh’s name, when the two met at a Mountain View, California, restaurant in June 2013. In fact, President Donald Trump himself intervened in the whole situation claiming that Ford should have launched her accusations before.

Regardless of the outcome, the Democrats will, of course, demand an FBI investigation, thereby further delaying the vote, but this is something for a criminal case, of which the Judge is yet to be charged. Some supporters said they were moved to tears when he broke down.

Meanwhile at the United Nations, President Trump made very clear that he’s on board with Kavanaugh, as he lashed out at Democrats, and one of the judge’s accusers. Avenatti also represents Stephanie Clifford, the adult film star known as Stormy Daniels who says she had an affair with Trump before he was elected president. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), seething with anger.

“If we agree on nothing else today, I hope on a bipartisan basis we can agree on how much courage it has taken for you to come forward, and I think you have earned America’s gratitude”, Blumenthal said. “The lawyer to porn stars has just taken this debacle to an even lower level”. He did not say that Kavanaugh’s female accusers were lying. She also did not specifically accuse Kavanaugh or Judge of raping her, or physically assaulting her in any way, in her declaration. He has said, “I’ve never sexually assaulted anyone in high school or otherwise”.

Brett Kavanaugh's calendar from 1982 is filled with nostalgia from '80's and memories from his youth. But now it's being used to fend off sexual assault allegations

Trump wavers on Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh