Newt Gingrich: Trump Made Right Decision With Olive Branch to Pelosi

November 09 09:43 2018

“Now what’s bad for them is, being in the majority, I’m just going to blame them”, Mr. Trump said.

“Now, listen, I know for a fact none of us ran to make history, we ran to make change”.

The outcome of some of those races are still up in the air.

Was 2018 a referendum on President Trump?

More problematic is that the swings in recent years have been much smaller.

Sixty-one percent of voters who responded to VoteCast, a survey of the electorate conducted by The Associated Press, said they support stricter gun laws, compared with 8 per cent who said they should be loosened.

Specifically, with some close races still undecided, Democrats have picked up at least 29 seats in the House.

Several major races are still pending.

Sanders, who plans to meet with House allies next week, will push for Democrats there to advance the first step of his “Medicare for all” bill’s four-year phase-in plan, which would lower the eligibility age for Medicare to 55 from 65 and cover everyone under 18-years-old.

“Where [GOP gubernatorial candidate Rep. Ron] DeSantis and [GOP Senate candidate Gov. Rick] Scott did well were places that Obama did pretty respectably in 2008 and 2012″, said Schale, who helped lead the former president’s successful efforts in Florida. Meanwhile, white voters went for Trump by a 10% margin. Fifty-two percent of married voters chose Trump in 2016. But Trump is wrong that the Republicans outperformed historical precedents. It’s not a tossup.

“What Gillum managed to do in a very hard state, not to mention dealing with all the racism that comes against him, is run on a progressive agenda and to mount a really, really very strong grassroots campaign”, Sanders said.

Tennessee gained the state’s first woman in the Senate as Marsha Blackburn defeated former Gov. Phil Bredesen. Trump won its 20 electoral votes by about 44,000 votes as he toppled Hillary Clinton’s “blue wall”. Republicans have picked up at least one seat in the Senate, with races in Arizona and MS remaining undecided.

DeWine said Wednesday that his “gut instincts” as he campaigned around the state told him he was ahead of Cordray, but he tempered his expectations because “poll after poll after poll showed us pretty much dead even”.

And then there’s a lawsuit against Trump by almost 200 Democratic senators and representatives who accuse Trump of constantly violating the Constitution’s emoluments provision banning the acceptance of gifts from foreign and domestic interests. They ask voters how they voted, what attitudes and issues were most important in compelling them to vote and if they affiliate themselves with a given party, along with their age, gender, race and highest level of education, according to the American Association for Public Opinion Research.

For years, GOP lawmakers thought they could avoid talking about gun control while accepting campaign contributions from the NRA and promoting an A rating from the group, he said.

Todd called OH “kind of an undersung Republican story”. Republican Ron DeSantis ousted Democratic opponent Andrew Gillum by less than one percentage point in a hotly contested race in Florida; Mike DeWine won the governorship in OH; and Republican Brian Kemp was ahead of Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams by 1.6 points with 100 percent of precincts reporting.

What’s happening in governors’ races? Debbie Stabenow was also re-elected as Democrats flipped two House seats in the suburbs and exurbs.

He seized on scenes of a caravan of Central American migrants heading through Mexico for the U.S., mused on ending the constitutional guarantee of citizenship to all people born in the United States and ran a television advertisement, deemed too provocative to air by mainstream networks, that linked Democrats to a criminal who was an undocumented immigrant.

The Democratic winning margin in the popular vote is projected by the New York Times to be about 7 points once all the votes are counted.

Many female Democratic House candidates who prevailed on Election Day ran in opposition to Trump or his policies.

Emily Davis, a spokeswoman for the office of U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, said the agency was “very confident” that Congress will approve the current deal because of the benefits to U.S. workers and businesses. “It’s about restoring the constitution’s checks and balances to the Trump administration”, Pelosi told a news conference.

Other Democrats poised to give Trump fits include California Rep. Adam Schiff, who’s set to take over the Intelligence Committee, which in April issued a report that cleared Trump and his associates of colluding with Russian Federation during the 2016 presidential election.

Both Texas and Georgia could be interesting to watch in the coming presidential cycles. In Wisconsin, both Clinton (-238,000) and Trump (-5,000) underperfomed 2012’s results.

Five House and two Senate districts, all but one most recently in Republican hands, remain too close to call.

However, the Democrats stopped short of regaining full control. Ted Cruz, smashing fundraising records in the process.

Johnson lost to outgoing Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton in 2014 thanks largely to a 133,000-vote edge in the metro.

US: Democrats take the House, but there was no landslide – Nordea Markets

Newt Gingrich: Trump Made Right Decision With Olive Branch to Pelosi