Ford says she thinks Kavanaugh tried to rape her

September 27 16:07 2018

“It was hard for me to breathe, and I thought that Brett was accidentally going to kill me”.

“Take it from the commander in chief himself, who said of a day steeped in political, legal and judicial consequences: ‘I think it’s going to be a very, very, important day in the history of our country, ‘ President Donald Trump said in NY on Wednesday evening”. On Thursday, they hired a female prosecutor, Rachel Mitchell, to question Kavanaugh and Ford on their behalf.

“Credible” is subjective. Just among the 51 Republican senators who will probably decide whether Kavanaugh is a Supreme Court justice, there is wide range of willingness to believe or even consider Ford’s story. “I yelled, hoping that someone downstairs might hear me and I tried to get away from him but his weight was heavy”, she said.

The Judiciary hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. Thursday.

In his prepared testimony, Kavanaugh again “unequivocally and categorically” denied her allegation, as well as “other false and uncorroborated accusations” by his other accusers.

“I really think that it’s bad what’s going on nowadays and how women are mistreated”, Trickovic said. We’ve provided one stream up top and two below.

Grassley complained that lawyers for other accusers have not provided information to his panel and said, “The committee can’t do an investigation if attorneys are stonewalling”. The most damning part of Swetnick’s affidavit is when she recounts efforts by Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge to “target” specific girls they viewed as vulnerable and “spike” drinks. “She’s here just to say her piece and speak to Kavanaugh’s character and that’s it”.

Ford’s legal team has submitted four signed declarations, from her husband and three friends, claiming that Ford told them about the alleged sexual assault.

After discussing the problem of “unconscious bias” that leads to gender discrimination, she said she was “cheered on” by the #MeToo movement, a national reckoning with sexual assault and harassment that has brought down dozens of rich and powerful men.

Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a member of both the committee and Republican leadership, has said Ford should be treated “the same way my daughters would be treated in the event they were making an accusation, or my mother, or my wife”.

MacCallum had landed an exclusive interview with Kavanaugh after Ford and Deborah Ramirez came forward alleging they were victims of the nominee’s sexual aggression when he was in high school and college. Kavanaugh, now 53, has denied them all and awaited his own chance to testify later Thursday.

A third woman has presented the Senate Judiciary Committee with allegations of inappropriate behavior by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, accusing him of sexually aggressive behavior at alcohol-fueled parties when he was in high school.

Here’s a look at the federal appeals court judge’s accusers and the reactions to their allegations. Kavanaugh’s confirmation could solidify a conservative majority on the court for a generation.

Ford said in her opening statement that Judge was in the room where Kavanaugh assaulted her at a gathering in suburban Maryland in the summer of 1982. He rejected Swetnick’s claim in a statement Wednesday as “ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone“. “‘Cause this happens to us, it never happens to them”, he said.

Mr Kavanaugh denies having a “sexual or physical encounter of any kind” with Ms Ford.

“These are last minute smears, pure and simple”, Kavanaugh said.

Trump says he would have pushed Kavanaugh through

Ford says she thinks Kavanaugh tried to rape her