Flake And Corker Support Delay Of Kavanaugh Vote To Vet Allegations

September 19 09:25 2018

Nelson, a Democrat, tweeted that Kavanaugh and alleged victim Christine Blasey Ford should testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Grassley did say he’s looking to schedule follow-up calls with Ford and Kavanaugh.

The newly-surfaced allegations against Kavanaugh make the Supreme Court the latest United States institution to be rocked by fallout from the year-old #Metoo movement exposing sexual misconduct. But Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) said that the vote should not be held until senators hear more about the allegations.

Ford said she will participate in any proceedings she is invited to participate in.

“For any nominee – whether it’s for district court or a judge at any level – if a report like Ms. Ford’s comes to light I expect it to be seriously investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation before we vote”, Minnesota DFL U.S. Sen.

Kavanaugh is denying the allegations, and both he and Ford have indicated they are willing to testify in front of Congress, perhaps under oath. Judge subsequently told The New York Times that not only did he never see a sexual assault, but that such behavior would be wildly out of character for the Catholic-raised-and-educated boys who went to Georgetown Prep in the early 80s.

“Judge Kavanaugh is one of the finest people that I’ve ever known”. She said Kavanaugh’s friend, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending them tumbling, and she was able to escape, the newspaper reported.

“On Friday, Judge Kavanaugh “categorically and unequivocally” denied this allegation”.

“Because this never happened, I had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday”, Kavanaugh said.

California Democratic Rep. Anna Eshoo told CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” on Monday that she met with Ford in July for “at least an hour and a half” about the allegations. Days earlier Kavanaugh had seemed on track for quick approval.

Mrs Katz told NBC’s Today: “She believes that if were not for the severe intoxication of Brett Kavanaugh, she would have been raped”.

Donald Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., took to Instagram over the weekend to mock the woman who has publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her. He told reporters at the White House: “If it takes a little delay, it will take a little delay”. Cardin said they were “very serious”.

“This woman should not be insulted and she should not be ignored”. On it, Trump can be heard boasting of grabbing women by their genitals and kissing them without permission.

Kavanaugh also said that he is willing to defend himself in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee “in any way the committee deems appropriate“. “For me, we can’t vote until we hear more“.

“I agree with Sen”.

But Conway said such testimony “should not unduly delay the vote”. “I think it’s important”. “If Democrats reject the committee handling this swiftly and in a bipartisan way through regular order, then it’s clear that their only intention is to smear Judge Kavanaugh and derail his nomination”.

“Honorable as always”, Trump Jr. added. Many Democrats have called for a delay in the vote, and a handful of Republicans have opened the door to that possibility.

“If there is real substance to this, it demands a response“, Murkowski said.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation vote before the committee is scheduled for Thursday at this point.

With the #MeToo movement galvanizing liberal and female voters and already costing prominent men their jobs in government, journalism and entertainment, a hearing would offer a fuller vetting of Ford’s charges but also present a politically jarring prelude to November’s midterm elections.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed, many abortion rights supporters fear the new conservative majority will attempt to overturn the Roe v Wade ruling, the landmark Supreme Court decision that upheld abortion as legal across the nation. “And Judge Kavanaugh should also testify to these 36-year-old allegations”.

This occurred in 1982, according to the article, and Ford spoke about the incident with her therapist in 2012. “In fact, she was quite reluctant to come forward”. “It was something that she struggled with mightily”.

Brett Kavanaugh

Flake And Corker Support Delay Of Kavanaugh Vote To Vet Allegations