All you need to know about the Brett Kavanaugh sex abuse row

September 29 23:00 2018

Kavanaugh is scheduled to testify Thursday at a hearing in front of the panel, which will also hear from Ford, who has accused the Supreme Court nominee of assaulting her at a party decades ago when they were both teenagers.

Christine Blasey Ford has alleged that at the age of 15 she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh in 1982.

He says that both “they and their families have received vile threats” which are “unacceptable and a poor reflection on the state of civility in our democracy”.

Trump said that if lawmakers had moved faster, “you wouldn’t be talking about it right now, which is frankly what I would have preferred”.

Democrats are pushing Grassley to subpoena Mark Judge, the Kavanaugh friend who Ford says was in the room with him when she was assaulted.

The sender of the complaint described an evening involving her own daughter, Kavanaugh and several friends in 1998.

During her testimony, Ford explained she was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone the details of what happened for a very long time.

But after more allegations emerged, some GOP senators have allowed that much is riding on Mr Kavanaugh’s performance.

Kavanaugh has denied all of those allegations.

‘This is just completely made up, or at least not me.

Lawyers for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford released the results of a polygraph test she participated in after accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her.

On Wednesday morning, Trump antagonist Michael Avenatti released an affidavit from a third accuser, Julie Swetnick, who claimed to have been drugged and “gang raped” at a party in high school where Kavanaugh was present. “And, if he’s going to have that seat legitimately, all of these things should be investigated”, Swetnick told MSNBC.

Kavanaugh categorically denied Swetnick’s claims. What I’ve been accused of is far more serious than juvenile misbehavior. He was nominated by Trump in July to replace the retiring justice Anthony Kennedy, a conservative who earned a reputation of acting as a crucial swing vote.

‘I will remain anonymous, but I feel obligated to inform you of this 1998 incident involving Brett Kavanaugh.

“I can always be convinced”, Trump said.

On Wednesday, Trump spoke aloud what he’s been mulling in private, acknowledging publicly for the first time that past allegations of sexual misconduct leveled against him color his views on similar charges against other men, including Kavanaugh. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the committee, deliver their opening statements, Fordand Kavanaugh will each give statements and be questioned individually. She supervises attorneys who handle cases involving child molestation, sexual assault and computer crimes against children in Arizona’s most populous county.

The Democratic side of the committee has diversified since 1991. Not because there shouldn’t be an investigation, she said, but because the committee hearing creates a false equivalency between Kavanaugh’s and Ford’s stories when an extensive FBI investigation is needed.

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All you need to know about the Brett Kavanaugh sex abuse row